Your website is likely to be at the heart of your marketing strategy and the central place to which you will draw your prospects and customers. More often than not, it is the point of first impression. And making it a favorable one could mean the difference between winning or losing business. Your site also serves as your “digital brand ambassador”, enabling you to grow brand awareness over time.
We design eye-catching, easy-to-navigate, fresh, and functional websites that bring brands to life and help clients land customers. New business websites. Rebrands. Design overhauls. Upgrades. Updates. Whatever the nature of your project, we deliver excellence. Unsure which direction you want to with your site or what’s suitable for your business? We’d be delighted to guide you.
Sell online to customers anywhere. Make it easy for them to buy on your site. Other sites too. Expand your customer base exponentially through third-party e-commerce platforms like Google Shopping. Whether you’re a seasoned online seller or a first-timer, our e-commerce expertise can help you open up new revenue streams and take your sales to greater heights.
We build customised, eCommerce-enabled websites according to your specific requirements and needs. With us handling all the tech aspects, you’ll have everything set up optimally to sell your products online, provide a seamless experience for your customers, and scale your business.
We at Blueberry Design have developed applications that help improve business processes and help increase customer retention and generate revenue online for our clients. We have done a considerable amount of work on the development of business applications for companies that needed someway to streamline their processes. Systems such as:
We build mobile (native) apps for IOS and Android platforms
Mobile apps are powerful marketing tools that can can help you increase revenue, customer retention, and engagement. With a focus on user experience, we build intuitive and beautiful mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms enabled you to:
Your new website is fantastic — especially if we designed it (wink-wink). The next step is to make customers aware it is there to be found. To make your online presence known. To get the word out so you can start growing your business. How? Pay-per-click advertising. Why? PPC is hands down the quickest and most cost-effective way to way drive traffic to your website or brick-and-mortar business locations.
SEO is the long game, paying off over time. PPC brings your business immediate visibility, with the opportunity for ROI right out of the gate. We create campaigns tailored to your business, put you in front of the eyes of your target audience when they are actively searching for what you offer, and leverage data to continuously improve results, maximise your return, and help you achieve your goals.
We understand that a well-crafted website is not just about design—it’s about performance and reliability. Our website hosting and maintenance services guarantee a secure and seamless online experience, supporting a variety of platforms from WordPress to custom PHP sites.
Before opening the “digital doors” and welcoming future customers to your sparkling new website, it’s imperative to secure it from threats that can be disruptive and damaging to your business. Think of us as standing guard in front of your online property, protecting it from the bad guys — 24/7.
Enjoy complete peace of mind knowing the requisite measures and a full arsenal of tools are in place to keep your site, your data, and your customers’ data safe. Your secured site will also serve to stand you in good stead with the search engines, as they factor it into their rankings.
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and places the responsibility on organisations and businesses to be transparent in how they are using and safeguarding personal data.
To be in compliance, businesses and organisations must protect the personal data and privacy of citizens. They must also demonstrate accountability with their data processing activities. Non-compliance can be costly. We’ll check off all the boxes for you so that doesn’t happen.
Simply we can make your website perform just like a native App by using Progressive Web Apps (PWA). A PWA is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users using your existing WordPress and WooCommerce website.
A PWA app enables web based apps to load where there is no network, sync in the background and seamlessly do things while providing a “native” app experience for your users at much less cost and time.